


Due to the birth of our new democracy and the potential for investment and procurement within our country it is a well-established fact that the South African business landscape is ever-changing and evolving.

For the average business this means that measures have to be taken and systems have to be adopted conducive to this and so as to ensure competitiveness and efficacy of all trading activities across the board.

For the above-average business however this means not only the installation of such measures but the ability to always stay one-step ahead of the herd in all domains.

To many laymen the idea of financial services and accounting is rather distant from ensuring attainment of the above.

The reality however is that these measures should not be overlooked. The exact systems we establish and propagate are those which shall dictate the success of your business in the medium to long term.

Not only will success be ensured but it shall be sustained, this being the essential secret of enhanced prosperity in business today, that no matter how times change or where our economic climate leads us.

We shall have firm hold of the reigns of our enterprise and shall steer it to the destination of success each and every time.

As your professional advisors we continuously advocate the use of simple systems and procedures which should not only make running your business easier but should if followed correctly alleviate the possibilities of your business being investigated, minimize your tax liabilities and enhance transparency and accountability in your business.

Our advices are disparate and vast with the primary goal of assisting you, our client in attaining your commercial objectives in the least problematic way.

This is exactly what makes us the empowered choice for South Africa as whether your turnover is huge or humble our advice is for your benefit, best interest and essentially your empowerment.

Achieving Prosperous Empowerment

Success in the future shall not be acquired the same way in which it was in the past.

This is the direct product of our historical struggles blended with the fast-paced changes our country experiences but what are the implications of this on you – our client?

The answer is simple if not elementary:

*          That you be the recipient of the fastest growing information that there is on the market today.

*          That you encounter tax professional and practitioners whom believe in your potential to prosper and advise you accordingly,

*          That you are at liberty to call upon such advises no matter how frequently deployed nor how complex the issue,

*          that you feel at ease and comfort with the advice given to you, the way your matter is handled and the outcome thereto.

We are highly experienced with SARS Policies and Procedures, requirements of CIPC and the Judicial Systems and the ever-changing face of accounting and auditing systems and models that our ‘know-how’ shall always ensure that you are ‘in the know’.

Our firm has a broad based clientele containing very new clients and those whom have rendered our services since day one.

This clientele covers all major industries within South Africa, from mining to catering, retailing to importing, profitable and non-profitable.

It is exactly our cosmopolitan client base that demands that our advice to you shall be cross-referenced and linked to associated industries and businesses so that you can maximise your potential in today’s ruthless market.

Our professional staffs are trained from CEO level downwards and the wealth of knowledge we have within our senior management team is regularly transferred to our juniors and middle-positioned staff.

This system of skill transfer is on-going and provides the best possible service to you each and every time.

Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment

Tayfin Forensic Auditors together with its associates is committed to upliftment of the previously disadvantaged communities.

These endeavors derive from the following:

  • Tayfin Forensic Auditors and its associates represent one of the success stories of affirmative action and employment equity in our new democracy and is led senior management personnel of HDI background;
  • The partners, associate directors and management figures of the firm are from previously disadvantaged communities;
  • We believe our greatest strength to be in our staff,
  • We invest their training and development which has implied substantial investment in doing so, uplifting them accordingly;
  • With the majority of our clients being previously disadvantaged, our assistance to them has helped them achieve their business objectives.

With our own background we understand the problems facing our communities and constantly seek opportunities in which we may assist and promote such individuals and their families.

Many of our own practitioners have been carefully selected from local communities and townships in order to empower them and the communities which have always supported us.

imagesCALRBHXGTayfin Financial Accountants Pty (Ltd) is certified as a Level 1 (AAA+) BBBEE company


    • Organisational Structure

At Tayfin Forensic Auditors, we have a strong hierarchical system in play consisting of our:

  • Management Team
  • Heads of Department
  • Middle-level Clerks
  • Juniors Clerks

All members of staff have the opportunity to work with each other and are regarded as peers and equals.

Although there are departments divided in the office, all members of staff are expected to interact and engage in services and activities outside of their departments so as to gain a holistic opinion of accounting and tax services.

This allows staff to link matters in one area with another and enhances the advice given to you so as to ensure that it has a bearing, albeit indirect upon other areas as well.

    • Professionals and Management Team

Our staff consists of three different groups of people:

  • Professional staff with degrees in accounting and related disciplines,
  • Professional staff still studying toward degrees in accounting and related disciplines,
  • Professional staff with extensive experience in working with taxes, accounting and finances,

As the staff at Tayfin Forensic Auditors are highly diverse the service afforded has a wealth of disciplines and is more suitable to cater for the different clients on our current client base.

Associate Networks and Collaborations

Due to the demand for financial service, Tayfin Forensic Auditors has endured many collaborations with local firms.

This has fine-tuned our own methods in line with how the industry operates. For the client this means up-to-date systems and procedures constantly.

Evidently the aggregate expertise offered to you by our offices is substantial.

Not only are our staff well-exposed to the world of financial services but our associations and collaborations with other selected firms has meant that your needs and requirements are always catered for wherever your business is based.

Consequently your trading activities are facilitated and our services are strengthened with the support and alternative advices afforded by our partners to you.
SWOT Analysis
A simple SWOT analysis can exemplify the status of the company at current in an easily identifiable format.